Hello P-assangers! How are you? I hope you are fine! This time PIDAS81 will discuss how Indonesia can become a part of the G20. Curious about this topic? Therefore, P-assangers need to read till the end, let’s just go straight to the discussion!
What is G20?
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia’s website, G20 is an international forum that focuses on policy coordination in the economic and development fields. The G20 represents the world’s economic and political power, with its membership comprising 80% of the world’s GDP, 75% of global exports, and 60% of the global population. G20 members consist of 19 countries and 1 region, namely: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, People’s Republic of China (PRC), France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Africa South, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and European Union.
The G20 itself was founded in 1999. The goal of the G20 itself is to ensure the outside world from crisis and create strong and sustainable global economic growth.
G20 Priorities
The G20 presidency has its own priorities in running its forum, namely the global health architecture, sustainable energy transition, and digital economic transformation. Hopefully, we can use this momentum to rise and recover together.
While G20’s vision is to benefit all parties, including developing countries, small island countries, and vulnerable groups, and not only for the benefit of the G20 itself.
G20 Members
The G20 Presidency has around 20 countries participants, such as South Africa, United States of America, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Germany, Canada, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Russia, France, China, Turkey, and the European Union
And it should be noted that for the first time Indonesia has become president of the Group of 20 (G20), a cooperation forum for 20 of the world’s major economies. This period lasts for one year and starts on December 1, 2021 yesterday until November 30, 2022
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- https://kemlu.go.id/portal/id/read/3288/berita/presidensi-g20-indonesia#:~:text=Untuk%20pertama%20kalinya%2C%20Indonesia%20memegang,2021%20hingga%2030%20November%202022.
- https://www.kompas.com/tren/read/2022/03/27/143000165/apa-itu-g20-sejarah-tujuan-dan-profil-negara-anggotanya?page=all#:~:text=Anggota%20G20%20terdiri%20dari%20Afrika,%2C%20Turki%2C%20dan%20Uni%20Eropa.