Hello, P-assengers! Glad to see you again in another PIDAS’s weekly article. Hopefully, this article could keep your spirit up, increase your knowledge, and entertained.
P-assengers, did you know what daydreaming is? Yep daydreaming is a momentary state of disconnection between one’s mind and the surrounding environment, where one’s contact becomes blurred and partly replaced by visual fantasies, especially about pleasant things, hopes or ambitions, and is experienced in a waking state.
So, today, we will discuss the impact of maladaptive daydreaming. Interesting, right? Let’s go straight to the discussion!
Signs and Symptoms of Maladaptive Daydreaming
This excessive daydreaming disorder is not officially listed in the DSM-5 as a mental health problem, making it difficult to pinpoint exact symptoms. Maladaptive daydreaming or daydreaming has several symptoms, namely:
- Daydreams performed with detailed characters, settings, plots and features such as films or ancient scripts
- Daydreams are triggered by various events and external stimuli, such as watching a movie or listening to music.
- Daydreams can be so long, several minutes or even hours that they paralyze other normal activities.
- Those who daydream usually hard to sleep at night
- Their dreamy passion was strong
Daydreaming impact
Of course, daydreaming can cause a lot of impacts, therefore we must know those things before we try to experience daydreaming. The impact of daydreaming are:
- Being unproductive
- Lazy, because daydreaming can make us lazy to do useful things
- Loss of concentration or difficulty to grasp information
- Empty mind
- It causes people to be stressed
How to deal with daydreaming
Of course, the impact of daydreaming is very disturbing to our real life and our daily productivity. But luckily there are several ways to overcome this. Here are 3 things on how to deal with daydreaming
- Reducing fatigue, such as increasing the amount of sleep capacity than usual
- Be aware of symptoms, such as telling others about them to distract yourself from daydreaming
- Therapy
What do you think, P-assengers? When we already know the meaning and impact of daydreaming, it is very dangerous if we just wait for the symptoms to happen to us. Hopefully, this article can add insight to P-assengers. Stay healthy, stay happy, and stay safe everyone! Wait for the next PIDAS weekly article P-assengers!
Reference sources:
- https://www.sehatq.com/artikel/maladaptive-daydreaming-ketika-seseorang-kecanduan-melamun
- https://www.popmama.com/life/health/bella-lesmana/waspada-ini-dia-bahaya-yang-mungkin-terjadi-jika-sering-melamun/5
- https://hellosehat.com/mental/mental-lainnya/maladaptive-daydreaming/